If you have been searching for A3249219 003 of Cable Assembly Powe components with NSN 5995014688224 under FSC 5995 Cable Cord and Wire Assemblies Communication Equipment, look no further than Limitless Aerospace. A3249219 003 part is listed alongside the other Cable Assembly Powe parts, and it has been manufactured by Ace Electronics Llc (CAGE Code 7Y943). With current availability through our website, we invite you to request a quick and competitive quote for A3249219 003 by filling out and submitting the RFQ form below. By providing us with information such as your target price and when you need your parts by, we can ensure that we offer a personalized solution that accommodates your individual needs and requirements.
NSN parts are those that follow the NSN system as dictated by the NATO Standardization Agreements, and they contain a 13-digit serial number to optimize the procurement, stocking, and issuing of items through the federal supply system. On Limitless Aerospace, we make finding the NSN parts and components you need easy, and customers may peruse our robust NSN part catalogues or use our search engine to find specific items with ease. As the only independent distributor with a no China sourcing pledge, we choose to only stock items from top global manufacturers such as Ace Electronics Llc. Get started on the purchasing process for A3249219 003 today and see how we can serve as your strategic sourcing partner for all of your operational needs.
NSN | FSC | NIIN | CLS | Hazmat | DEMIL | Cancelled NSN |
5995-01-468-8224 Item Description: Cable Assembly Powe | 5995 | 014688224 | 0 | N | A | |
CIIC | HCC | ESD | PMIC | Criticality | ENAC | |
U | A | A | 0 | |||
Part Number | ISC | RNVC | RNCC | HCC | MSDS | SADC |
A3249219 003 | 5 | 2 | 5 |
MRC | Criteria | Characteristic |
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