AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015, and FAA 0056B Accredited

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List of all National Item Identification Numbers (NIIN) Starting with Number 1 - Page 24

A National Item Identification Number (NIIN) refers to the last 9 digits of a National Stock Number (NSN), those of which are 13-digit numeric codes utilized to identify standardized material items of supply by all NATO countries and the United States Department of Defense. While the first 4 digits of the NSN serve to categorize parts by their similarities, the NIIN digits themselves serve to identify the country that first codified the item as well as functions as a unique string of digits to identify the individual item. At Limitless Aerospace, we provide an expansive NIIN Catalog for our customers so that they may peruse our offered items quickly and find exactly what they need with ease.

We invite you to pursue this catalog at your leisure, and customers can find top requested NIINs such as 123427287, 123427306, 123427307, 123427398, 123427400 readily available for purchase through our website. To make the procurement process easier, customers may also utilize our provided search engine, that of which will allow you to find specific manufacturers or items quickly and easily with various filters. When you find particular listings that you are interested in, you may request a quote through the submission of an Instant RFQ form through our website. With team members readily available for customers 24/7x365, they can quickly create a personalized solution for your individual needs and requirements in 15 minutes or less after receiving your request. Begin the part procurement process today and experience why customers choose to rely on Limitless Aerospace for their operational requirements and maintenance endeavors.

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123427287 123427306 123427307 123427398 123427400 123427401 123427402 123427405
123427406 123427522 123427523 123427540 123427541 123427563 123427616 123427617
123427618 123427619 123427620 123427664 123427665 123427666 123427668 123427669
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123428402 123428403 123428404 123428611 123428648 123428690 123428791 123428792
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123429716 123429720 123429721 123429806 123429807 123429808 123429809 123429810
123429824 123430217 123430355 123430628 123430630 123430839 123430840 123431072
123431170 123431172 123431184 123431264 123431265 123431374 123431375 123431376
123431514 123431527 123431528 123431529 123431649 123431650 123431651 123431652
123431653 123431654 123431655 123431656 123431765 123431766 123431870 123431989
123431990 123432022 123432084 123432085 123432086 123432091 123432426 123432446
123432498 123432499 123432501 123432502 123432518 123432519 123432520 123432521
123432576 123432588 123432650 123432651 123432652 123432653 123432678 123432866
123432877 123432878 123432917 123432942 123432966 123433046 123433079 123433080
123433081 123433082 123433106 123433176 123433177 123433178 123433198 123433199
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123436102 123436249 123436456 123436606 123436678 123436711 123436744 123436815
123436862 123436936 123436937 123437129 123437309 123437360 123437455 123437523
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123439256 123439257 123439258 123439365 123439366 123439367 123439450 123439601
123439632 123439956 123440101 123440160 123440215 123440225 123440318 123440360
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123440860 123440861 123440862 123440876 123440878 123440938 123440939 123440940
123440941 123441111 123441114 123441198 123441199 123441200 123441442 123441486
123441487 123441548 123441590 123441595 123441604 123441655 123441657 123441661
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123442234 123442273 123442290 123442349 123442350 123442351 123442352 123442353
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123444202 123444203 123444204 123444205 123444317 123444359 123444360 123444361
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123444800 123444801 123444809 123444810 123444811 123445017 123445233 123445253
123445254 123445255 123445256 123445257 123445258 123445259 123445314 123445316
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