AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015, and FAA 0056B Accredited

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List of all National Item Identification Numbers (NIIN) Starting with Number 1 - Page 23

A National Item Identification Number (NIIN) refers to the last 9 digits of a National Stock Number (NSN), those of which are 13-digit numeric codes utilized to identify standardized material items of supply by all NATO countries and the United States Department of Defense. While the first 4 digits of the NSN serve to categorize parts by their similarities, the NIIN digits themselves serve to identify the country that first codified the item as well as functions as a unique string of digits to identify the individual item. At Limitless Aerospace, we provide an expansive NIIN Catalog for our customers so that they may peruse our offered items quickly and find exactly what they need with ease.

We invite you to pursue this catalog at your leisure, and customers can find top requested NIINs such as 123412075, 123412076, 123412077, 123412078, 123412079 readily available for purchase through our website. To make the procurement process easier, customers may also utilize our provided search engine, that of which will allow you to find specific manufacturers or items quickly and easily with various filters. When you find particular listings that you are interested in, you may request a quote through the submission of an Instant RFQ form through our website. With team members readily available for customers 24/7x365, they can quickly create a personalized solution for your individual needs and requirements in 15 minutes or less after receiving your request. Begin the part procurement process today and experience why customers choose to rely on Limitless Aerospace for their operational requirements and maintenance endeavors.

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123412075 123412076 123412077 123412078 123412079 123412080 123412081 123412082
123412083 123412084 123412085 123412086 123412087 123412088 123412089 123412133
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123415711 123415746 123415802 123415803 123415804 123415805 123415873 123415874
123415910 123415939 123416058 123416059 123416143 123416144 123416153 123416154
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123420603 123420638 123420642 123420644 123420645 123420647 123420693 123420836
123420837 123420838 123420839 123420840 123420841 123420842 123420881 123420971
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123421712 123421713 123421842 123421870 123421912 123421988 123421989 123422011
123422012 123422013 123422014 123422015 123422016 123422017 123422018 123422019
123422026 123422027 123422034 123422068 123422069 123422070 123422208 123422314
123422316 123422324 123422569 123422669 123422778 123422853 123422992 123422993
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123423527 123423528 123423655 123423789 123423790 123423793 123423798 123423799
123423800 123423801 123423836 123423885 123423886 123423887 123424043 123424133
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